“Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success.”
Sometimes the only thing holding you back from achieving your dreams is just simply having the courage to BEGIN! So glad I did.
Every year around this time I love to look back at my year, reflect on what went well, and of course what improvements I can make for the new year. I thought it would be fun to take a look back and recap some of my favorite images from my first 7 months in business. I tried so hard to narrow them down, but as most people know, I tend to have a hard time with that!!! I tried to be selective, and of course honor those who chose to keep private, but here goes...Enjoy the "eye candy" for 2016!

Sisterly Love

Deep in thought...


Class of 2016!

Senior Selfies...

Such a sweet face

fourth of july firecracker

A beauty, ready for the world

These are the moments to stop and freeze time


a beautiful sight

Making sure she had the perfect flower for mom

what a pair!

pretty in pink

back to school in style

lady in red

Always take time for fun!


There's always time stop to smell the flowers

these colors though!

giggle time

may your wishes all come true!

baby blues

life on the farm...





Rockin' it

Such a loving pair

Just gorgeous

goofin' off

Moody black & white...

When's the last time you were both photographed?


love that lasts


Winter light:)


Hey, what about me?

Pure Joy


Monday blues...

This smile can brighten any day!

Coming through!

Hey Mom and Dad, here I am.


Looking forward to meeting you!